Friday, March 1, 2013

This has been a trying month with Abbi. I think with the grand observance of Cole's first birthday, Abbi has struggled to feel as important as she wants to feel, and so we often find her acting out in a way to get the attention that she wants.

She constantly asks Jenn to hold her, something I think is directly related to the fact that Jenn holds Cole often. Abbi will get very upset if she doesn't get her way, often creating a mini-tantrum to express her displeasure. Unfortunately we've been struggling to figure out exactly how to deal with these displays. We're working, and its definitely hard. Its hard for me as a dad, because it just doesn't make sense. She could definitely get what she wanted if she acted in a more calm/rationale way, something she does understand, but clearly at 3.5 can't really turn on and use all the time.

From a development perspective her writing and drawing has taken some massive steps forward. She's moved on from drawing random lines on the page to drawing shapes and collections of shapes that represent different things to her. She often tries to replicate things that actually exist, and does a decent job. Also, she's now coloring inside the lines. This wasn't something we ever stressed, it just kinda happened naturally. One day we kinda noticed that she was basically staying inside the lines. Its probably related, at least somewhat, to the way we color with her, obviously inside the lines.

Abbi is also doing better at writing her name, and we're working with her on recognizing different letters of the alphabet. I'll say this - its definitely an uphill learning curve.

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of my little girl and smile. She impresses me, CONSTANTLY. Every day she seems to do things that are more and more amazing. She's doing fantastically in dance and rainbows and really seems to like both of the activities. I just can't believe how quickly time is going by. For her I'm sure it seems like forever between birthdays, but for me it seems to speed by way to fast.


1 comment:

  1. It doesn't seem like Abbi could be 3 going on 4. I'm sure she is having trouble not being the only one to get attention. This will pass.
