Wednesday, April 14, 2010

She's coming. In the last month she's only gained more confidence and speed while crawling. She can go up and down single steps, like our landing or from one room into another at grandmoms house. She's 9 months old and quickly approaching a year. It really feels like yesterday that I wrote about her being 8 months or 6 months or 2 months old.

The other day we watched her stand up on her own for about 3 seconds before she fell down. So this kid is definitely working her way towards walking. She walks around the furniture with assistance and stands up really well. I have no doubt she'll be walking by the time we have her first birthday party, and I'm sure it will be sooner than that!

I wrote last month she was working on her 6th tooth, well that ones out and now she's working on 7. She's been chomping with those 6 for quite a while and she has a ferocious bite to go with them too. Since she's teething again she's been chomping on anything she can from furniture to shopping carts. She doesn't care, anything to soothe the pain she's goes for it.

Abbi will be going to the doctor today for her 9 month checkup and shots so we'll get to see how much she's grown. We're also getting ready to move her into a new car seat because if she doesn't weight 22 lbs today, she will soon at which point we'll need to transition her to a new car seat for her safety.

As she gets older there seem to be more times when we can actually connect with each other. As much as a 28 year old man can connect with a 9 month old child of course. The other day we were sitting out side together and she was content to sit with me for a few minutes and even give me some hugs, which was pretty awesome. She's very loving and has been accused by a few little boys of being too affectionate. Hopefully this comes to a quick end :)

She's growing up quick. Every kid does. I love her tremendous ammounts and even when I'm tired or worn out, its always fun to play with her and watch her laugh and learn. She's an amazing kid who's getting all kinds of love from her mom and me. And speaking of her mom, Jenn is the most amazing mom Abbi could have ever hoped for. When I've run out of patience, Jenn's got another 8 hours worth to give Abbi. She's amazing.

As you can see in the picture, its also becoming much more difficult to photograph her with a prop. She also likes eating paper, something Jenn hates, and I of course laugh at her amazing show of She-Ra like strength. Below you can see her mid-destruction of the paper card denoting her current age.

1 comment:

  1. Abbi is growing so fast. Just think 9 months ago today, she was so tiny and could not really do anything. Now she can play with you (a little).
