Monday, December 13, 2010

If last month she was "learning" the word "no", then this past month she has mastered it. Amazingly, and in a cute way, she says no with a bit of a Baltimore hon type accent. She says no to just about everything, sometimes joking and sometimes she means it. Although if she means to say yes, she never says no. One such case would be "Abbi do you want a waffle", she would never say no to that.

She's also learned how to get into more things. There are a few stools around the house and she's learned that she can move them around to help her get better access to taller things. So as a result she's into even more and being told to stay out of even more.

She's starting to put words together as well. She loves to tell Max no, in the form of "No, Max!". I think she likes to tell him what to do because she can't really boss anyone else around just yet.

There haven't been a lot of other changes to speak of, other than her hair. We took her to have her bangs trimmed about 6/7 months ago, and then trimmed about 6 weeks ago, and it seems like they've regrown in 6 weeks what previously took 5 months to grow, its crazy! She looks prettier and prettier every day, and definitely gets smarter and more fun each day. Its tons of fun with her!

1 comment:

  1. She is so cute and growing up so fast. That's funny that she tries to boss Max.
