Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My little girl is 10 months old now! I'm sure everyone gets tired of reading this, but I truly can't beleive how old she is and how big she's getting so quickly.

Reading back what I've shared in the past months not a ton has changed in the last month. She's still has 6 teeth, the teething for no. 7 has calmed down a bit actually. She's still crawling all over the place. However, she has mastered the art of going up the steps. Its cute to watch her too! And she's even faster and cruising around furniture on foot. She's yet to take that memorable first step, but we're both very confident that we'll see her do it soon!

One HUGE milestone though for this month, she is officially talking. She said "mama" last month and hasn't looked back since. I really do beleive that she understands who mama is. She will head over towards Jenn and crawl up her leg saying "mama" the entire time. Jenn of course eats this up, much like I will once she says "dada".

Even though she's not walking yet, Abbi's curiosity has certainly ballooned recently. She's into everything, much more so than before. She likes to watch water rush down a drain. She loves to empty out our cabinets (especially the one we keep her food in). She likes to play in the bathroom, and I think her favorite is emptying her diaper bag and Jenn's purse.

Regarding food, Abbi has continued to make good progress in her eating habbits. She only has 2 bottles a day now, one for breakfast and one for before bed snack. Otherwise she's on 3 human food meals a day and she regularly shared dinner with us, eating the same things that we eat.

With each month that passes, I definitely feel more connected to Abbi. She obviously gets easier to relate to and interact with as she learns and grows, but it really is rewarding to share in the life of someone so small and impressionable. I love the time I get to spend with her, and I deifnitely look forward to more Daddy-Daughter time as she continues to grow up.

1 comment:

  1. Abbi gets prettier every day. SCongratulations on 10 months.
