Friday, April 13, 2012

Cole is 2 months as of yesterday and I think its been a pretty busy month for him. As you can see in this picture, he's starting to show some personality. Over the last few weeks he's been learning and showing us more smiles which has been really cool. The lost eyes of a newborn are finally gone, and he's now all set with his eyes. He doesn't really get cross-eyed anymore, and he can really focus on things.

The biggest development for him is that he's started rolling over. He's done it a few times, however I have yet to see it in person. But to prove she wasn't lying, Jenn took a video of Cole doing it, so he can roll over.

As for sleep, well, its gotten better but he's still not sleeping "through the night". He usually sleeps from about 10pm until 3:30 and then gets up again around 8. On most days, that is his nighttime schedule, and while I know Jenn would prefer he sleep all night long, I know she's happy he sleeps that long. And regarding eating, the boy is like a machine. Every 3 hours, on the dot I swear he's ready to eat. If he's asleep he wakes up ready to eat. If he's awake he hits full tilt and wants to eat. Its crazy how good his internal clock is for food.

Abbi is still in love with Cole immensely, and its fun to watch the two of them together. If Abbi is talking to Cole he definitely engages with her. He will look at her, and turn to listen to her voice, its really a very cool thing. So thats where things are, 2 months in!

1 comment:

  1. Cole is such a cutie1 That's neat how he looks for Abbi. Turning over already? He is going to be an active little boy.
