Abbi really enjoyed dying eggs this year. Jenn bought these dye sticks this year, that let her paint the eggs instead of just dying them different colors and such. I chose this picture over a few others because you can also see Cole in this picture, and he looks super pissed at the entire situation going on.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
This is a picture of all the grandkids from Easter. Brandon is holding Cole. I can't believe how quickly all the kids get so big. Its also really cute to see Abbi all girled up with all the boys.
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4:57 PM
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
I've said it many times, but Abbi loves to play dress up. Last week when Jenn and I went to pick her up from grandmom's house, she was wearing this Sleeping Beauty dress up dress. She loved it and didn't want to take it off. Only through careful bribery (that there are different dress ups at home) was she willing to take this one off and leave it at grandmoms for another day.
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6:15 PM
Yesterday on my other blog I shared a picture of Cole smiling. It was a toss up between that photo and this one where's he's almost laughing. Either way Jenn and I both think he looks really cute. Its really nice to see him developing some personality. When Abbi talks to him he really engages with her, much more so than with Jenn or I.
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5:36 PM
Monday, April 23, 2012
Posted by
5:43 PM
Thursday, April 19, 2012
"Big and strong" as Abbi likes to say when she's talking about her vitamins. Its easy to see in this picture here how she is really starting to become her own person with her own unique personality. She had been playing with the hat and scarf in this picture for a while the day I took this picture, and then when we went outside to take a few pictures, she had to leave it all on. Despite the fact that it was over 80 degrees outside.
She's an amazing little girl. She constantly amazes me with her knowledge and vocabulary. I can't really think of words in particular, but sometimes she's says things and Jenn and I are completely baffled where she came up with it from.
Of late, she's been very obsessed with her baby dolls. I'm guessing this is a result of Jenn taking care of Cole all the time, but none the less, its still cute. She'll put her baby in the swing, or on our couch and cover up the baby. She also carries the baby around in a similar fashion to how Jenn carries cole.
She's still crazy active, and like I mentioned last month, with the warm weather, she's only becoming more active. She's also very inquisitive about things. She's still very into the "why" stage of things, but she's also very interested in helping with things. For example the other day when I cut the grass she helped me cut over half the lawn by pushing the lawnmower with me.
Just like every month I love her to death and I can't believe how quickly she's growing up.
Posted by
5:58 PM
Monday, April 16, 2012
When Cole was wearing this shirt the other day Jenn made a point to ensure that I took his picture to preserve the moment. He's already starting to outgrow some of his newborn clothes. For example some of his khaki's he wears to church are newborn size, and yesterday was his last day in those.
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5:45 PM
A few weeks back when Abbi I went over to Elizabeth's Landing and wandered around the water I took some pictures of Abbi in addition to the landscape pictures I was taking. After we had walked a good long bit, the beach had ended and it was just the rocky path that was left. Abbi had had enough walking so she kinda plopped down on the rocks, as you see here.
Posted by
4:47 PM
Friday, April 13, 2012
Cole is 2 months as of yesterday and I think its been a pretty busy month for him. As you can see in this picture, he's starting to show some personality. Over the last few weeks he's been learning and showing us more smiles which has been really cool. The lost eyes of a newborn are finally gone, and he's now all set with his eyes. He doesn't really get cross-eyed anymore, and he can really focus on things.
The biggest development for him is that he's started rolling over. He's done it a few times, however I have yet to see it in person. But to prove she wasn't lying, Jenn took a video of Cole doing it, so he can roll over.
As for sleep, well, its gotten better but he's still not sleeping "through the night". He usually sleeps from about 10pm until 3:30 and then gets up again around 8. On most days, that is his nighttime schedule, and while I know Jenn would prefer he sleep all night long, I know she's happy he sleeps that long. And regarding eating, the boy is like a machine. Every 3 hours, on the dot I swear he's ready to eat. If he's asleep he wakes up ready to eat. If he's awake he hits full tilt and wants to eat. Its crazy how good his internal clock is for food.
Abbi is still in love with Cole immensely, and its fun to watch the two of them together. If Abbi is talking to Cole he definitely engages with her. He will look at her, and turn to listen to her voice, its really a very cool thing. So thats where things are, 2 months in!
Posted by
3:37 PM
Thursday, April 12, 2012
The other night Abbi was playing some drum sticks in the office and running around as she tends to do and I got this video of her. Thought it was cute enough to put online. Enjoy!
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5:44 PM
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
I uploaded this picture on March 30th, so I'm guessing that the date it happened. But that day Jenn took this picture at home and called it Cole's first official smile. He's been working for the past 2 weeks at smiling more and more. He'll be two months tomorrow, and I can't believe how quickly the time has passed.
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4:45 PM
The dog statue at the FDR is loved by kids I'm sure. Every kid I saw did something very similar to what you see Abbi doing here. And much like the other parents, I was sure to get another cute picture of Abbi. She really seemed to have fun running around D.C. looking at all the different things with us.
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3:46 PM
Monday, April 9, 2012
Last night while cleaning out some drawers in the office I found a few fake mustaches that were leftover from the our last round of fake mustaching. I of course asked Abbi if she's like to wear one, and unlike 2 years ago, she was more than happy to wear one. I think its super cute. She definitely didn't last long, but also didn't scream the whole time either.
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6:30 PM
Friday at the Zoo Jenn busted out Cole's new hat to keep his head from getting sunburned. As he was relaxing in the car seat I snapped this picture. He seems to have finally gotten out of the cross-eyed phase and entered full time into the "normal" eyes setup.
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5:52 PM
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Over the past few months Abbi has become a very avid reader. She likes to both be read a story, and read the stories herself. However, you never know what you'll get when Abbi reads you a story, but its always worth listening too. I also love that she chose to sit in the bumbo and read.
Posted by
5:52 PM