Friday, December 30, 2011

My person philosophy, so long as I make this post within the month in which it belongs, I'm okay! So here it is, my update on Abbi for 29 months, or 2.5 years.

We had one holiday (Thanksgiving) and a big vacation (Disney) happen during the past month. Thanksgiving was good for Abbi because she got to spend some quality time with my parents, as well as time with her cousins. Its always nice to see her play with them. Especially Attila. They play really well together, and really seem to enjoy one another's company.

Obviously the big even over the past month was our trip to Disney. It was so amazing to see Abbi's face and watch the pure joy she expressed as she got the opportunity to meet the different princesses. The same goes for watching her meet Mickey and Minnie. It was pure joy on her part. I can't really imagine what it would be like to meet something from TV and believe that its really them, like she probably did.

She did fantastic on the plane, on the bus ride to Disney, on the bus rides to the parks, sleeping in the hotel. I mean she was fantastic. I'm sure we had some bumps in behavior, but on the whole, she was a fantastic little girl, and I know Jenn and I had a good time with her because she had such a good time.

As for Abbi every other day. She still as sweet as can be. When I get home each night she's happy to see me, and after dinner she wants her Daddy time. So we play, usually rough since Jenn can't do that at 7 months pregnant. I enjoy our time together, and I really think Abbi does too. I can't wait to spend more with her!

1 comment:

  1. She is so pretty and so smart. When we see her she is always happy.
