Another month gone by and my little girl is that much bigger. This past month we had the opportunity to take Abbi to her first amusement park, and she had a fantastic time. She was slow to get started, very cautious about the rides but once she rode her first one she couldn't wait to get on all the others that were nearby. It was really cute to watch and fun to see the amusement park experience through Abbi's eyes.
As Abbi gets older, its interesting to me to see her establish opinions and routines for things. She definitely has learned behavior from Jenn and I, but at the same time, there are things that she does, that are all her. When she says bye to people, she runs up and gives them hugs around their legs and says bye, very clearly. We didn't teach her this, its just what she does. She's also a fantastic mix of both Jenn and I. She has her calm, contemplative states sometimes, which are very Jenn-like, and then she's got other moments where she is just wild. Very Drew-like. She'll run around the house for 5-10 minutes straight, just running end to end, and we wonder where all the energy comes from.
She's also become a little repeater factory. Almost anything she hears she tries to repeat it back. I shared a video the other day showing her saying the word paradiddle. She's still saying it, even though she has no clue what it means.
As for development, she's finally nailing down some colors. She's got orange, pink, green and purple all down. If you show her something that is one of those colors, she can recognize it and tell you that's what it is. She's got her numbers, up to 12 now, but she still hates 8. I'm not entirely sure why. She's tons of fun to play with, and I find myself truly enjoying the time I get to spend with her each night, doing something with her. If its playing LEGO's with her, eating pretend waffles, her helping me build a 6ft. storage rack, racing around the house, or her just sitting on my lap playing a game on the iPhone. I enjoy my time with my little girl.
PRECIOUS! Enjoy these times.