So with Abbi turning two, I'm still going to write about her from my perspective each month, but I'm no longer going to count the months, I'm moving more towards a decimal system, so this month, she's now 2.1 years old. I realize she's not actually 1/10 of a year older, my system will go up to 2.11.
So, with that - she's still a ton of fun. I think each month she gets more and more fun. This past month we had the opportunity to take Abbi to the beach again and over the course of the week she got more and more brave and had a fantastic time out on the beach. She was fun to watch, play with and especially take out in the water. Its fun watching her experience new things that are old to Jenn and I.
Last month I commented that she's like a sponge, well now she's like an even bigger sponge. She's graduated way past 2-3 word sentences and will now often rattle out 4-12 word sentences. Complete phrases. Her memory is amazing too. She remembers vividly our trips to baseball games, me skydiving, a friends pool party 2 months ago. Its absolutely amazing.
I thought that when kids were this young they weren't very smart. I was wrong. She constantly amazes me and makes me an extremely proud father. She's very loving and recently we seem to have had a breakthrough with some of her more violent lashing out moments. Which is always good.
Today was Jenn's first day back at work as well so it starts another year of day-care for Abbi. I haven't mentioned before, but one of Jenn's summer goals was potty training Abbi and she was very successful. I'm wary of talking much about Abbi and this only because stuff on the internet lives forever. So I'll say in short, she's good to on all fronts and learned it incredibly quick. We're very proud of her!
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