Wednesday, June 15, 2011

23 Months! If you ask Abbi how old she is she will tell you that she is two. Its awesome. Hopefully we'll be this lucky next year at getting her to say that she's three. Only one month to go before she's actually 2 and I can't believe how quickly its approaching.

Her speech seems to have taken additional leaps this past month. Just this past weekend, she finally said Mommy. She's called Jenn, "mom" since she could talk. She calls me Daddy, but refused to call Jenn mommy. But then over the weekend, something clicked for her and she started calling Jenn mommy. She also started calling herself Abbi instead of Abba finally.

She's also learning all kinds of other things. She's finally grasping how to brush her teeth. She's learning her alphabet and numbers. She has a toy that sings the alphabet that she sings along with. Its very cute. She like to sing at random points about who knows what, but like I said, its cute.

Like I wrote last month, she's all over the place. She's outside. She's inside. She wants to play in a pool. She wants to go to the park. She wants to play in the basement, or in her room, or somewhere else. All the time this kids plays. She's awesome.

I can't believe she's almost two. And next month when I write about her, it will be pretty surreal that she'll be two. It really seems like yesterday I was writing about her only being one and how monumental that was. I love watching my little girl grow up and become and awesome little girl. She's tons of fun and incredibly sweet to spend time with. I'm just a proud father.

1 comment:

  1. You have a perfect right to be a proud father. You have a beautiful and adorable little girl.
