She's 18 months, another milestone. This one comes with a doctor visit! She's still in the 95th percentile for her age in both height and weight. You can see her updated stats in the bar to the right. I commented to Jenn after she found out her current height, that she's only got 2.25 inches left to go before she can ride the rides at Hershey Park!
The biggest change for Abbi over the past month has to be speech. She's saying just about everything you ask of her and she's really starting to recognize and remember words. She's got the easy ones down: mommy, daddy, max, up, down and of course no. She's also got others she uses pretty frequently like: doggie, sock, hat, more, please, bath and water.
A month or two ago if we would ask her to say something we would often get a "no" for response, or simply stared at as if we were crazy. Now - there's almost nothing she wont' try. She struggles with c, s, and k quite a bit, but the doctor told us that is perfectly normal. She's even managed to get ahead of the curve a bit since she can say a few 2 words phrases like "max no", "mom sit", "dad sit", and "more please".
I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before, but now that she's 18 months old, she's finally gotten the hang of a tantrum. Its incredibly funny to watch. She will laydown on the ground, even if she was previously standing, just to kick her feet and hand all while whining loudly. It is actually pretty funny. She doesn't do it to often, so when she does I pay attention, more for the laughs than anything else.
In just about every other way, Abbi is the same. She's super smart, and of course fun to play with. After Christmas came a new bounty of toys that she has been working through. She's obsessed with baby dolls, coloring and wearing jewelry. Just like every other little girl I'm sure.
Finally, two weeks ago we took Abbi for her 7th laser treatment. I like to believe that we've seen improvement over the span of time, and the doctor seemed to agree. We've got about 4 more treatments before the doctor is ready to call it done for Abbi. Based on the technology available and how she is reacting to the treatment, the doctor seems to feel that 11 treatments will have the best possible effects.
Other than that, she's the typical 18 month old. She loves to play and run and everything else. I think if she could, she could run a mile or more. She loves playing with Max and us too. She's just awesome!
She is an awsome little girl.