This time, I'm much closer to the 13th than I have been in the past! Abbi turned 16 months old this past Saturday and just like every other months, she just keeps getting bigger and smarter.
I think the biggest difference for Abbi this past month is her speech development. We've put a larger focus on it for her and she's reacted positively to it. I posted earlier this month she's learned to say "uh-oh" most of the time with proper context and this past weekend she really developed the word "no", unfortunately. She's also got a form of "sock" that she says, and she has her own word for Max, we're just not entirely sure what it is. So she's making good progress, and hopefully she'll get more recognizable words out as we go along.
In other motor development, she's been very interested in coloring the past month. With Jenn's help she's learned how to color pretty well, and it looks like she favors her right hand. She can hold big or small crayons and color on paper, and just about anything else. One big hurdle right now is to get her to color ONLY on paper.
In addition to learning new things, we've had to step up the commitment to timeouts for her. She's still hitting and of course getting into more and more things she shouldn't. She takes the timeout well, usually just standing in the corner patiently waiting to be told she's done. She always shows remorse when she comes out of timeout, so I do believe it is having some positive effect.
I think that about sums Abbi up at this point. She still runs around, everywhere, and loves the dog to death. The other day at dinner she decided to sit on him and see what he would do. He let her sit on him for about 30 seconds before he decided he'd had enough. Its just like the e-trade commercial, only I support her riding the dog.
She is so much fun now and you can do so much with her.