Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I'm definitely late on this post, but like last month, oh well.

This kid amazes me. She's super smart. I don't think she's smart in the way that we only have 1 kid to compare her to so she must be smart, I really think she's smart. She listens well (when she wants to) and she's super curious and seems to figure out new things all the time.

Since she's over a year, the doctor told us at her year checkup to ween her from all bottles by 15 months. She's been off all bottles for about 3 weeks now. We were giving it to her at night to try and get her to sleep and she'd take the bottle, then get back up and start playing again. So we started to just put her down for bed. Its awesome - we'll ask her "are you ready for bed" and she responds by shaking her head up and down. I take her up for bed, she lays right down and goes to sleep. No crying. She's awesome!

As for growing, she's working her way out of size 4 shoes, into some new 5's and she's got wide feet. Must have come from me or something. She's tall, and strong. She loves climb. On everything. This is where the smarts come in. She moves thing over to other places and uses them to climb up, very smart! Did I mention that she's awesome!

In the nicest way possible, I think she's built like a truck. She runs around and kinda slams into stuff and just moves right on. A lot of the time shes not even phased by what happens. There are of course other times where she's hurt and needs parental love, but not a lot.

She loves to eat, and does well. One thing we've learned is that she'll eat whatever you give her if she doesn't have a choice. But if she does, then she'll cry and whine until she gets what she wants. For example, if we have a grilled cheese sandwich and french fries for her, she won't eat the grilled cheese because she wants the fries.

She's interested in tons of stuff. She plays with these ribbons all the time upstairs (like craft ribbons) and she likes to play with drum sticks. She likes laying on the floor and rolling around. Playing kitchen. Playing with dolls. She loves to play with Max, even if he's still not to keen on her, they are getting better.

Basically put, she's awesome. She's a ton of fun, and even more work. She's definitely wearing Jenn and I out, so much so - we wonder how older people manage to have kids, I can't imagine. I'll stick with my 1 year old and my 29 year old self taking care of her.

1 comment:

  1. She is growing so fast and she does seem to be awfully smart.
