Thursday, June 24, 2010

Over the weekend we were playing outside with Abbi and after a bit she decided to climb up the steps and sit to relax, hence this picture.

Today Abbi had her 4th visit to the doctor to treat her port wine stain. This time she was back with the same doctor that we saw the first and second times. The doctor is amazing, very nice and patient with us and Abbi. They upped the power this time, just like the past three times and treated Abbi's cheek and nose as before. The bruising is just as bad as always, but Abbi did phenomenally this time. Once she was wrapped up, to keep her from moving around, she calmed down and didn't cry or squirm, she was amazing.

Now we'll start the process of recovery from this treatment and according to the doctor we should start to see significant improvement. We're hoping!

1 comment:

  1. Abbi is such a special little girl. That is an adorable picture.
