She's pretty much giving the same blank stare in this picture she was in yesterday's picture, but hey - Jenn is smiling. And the picture was taken at Epcot!
There have been a couple of changes the last few days with Abbi by the way. The last two nights, she has gone to bed a little earlier than before, she's been asleep by 9 the last two nights. She also hasn't had her bedtime bottle. She just hasn't wanted it. The first night we expected she would wake up hungry and she never did. Same thing last night.
Also, we're confident that she's starting to teeth again. She's cranky, real chewy, and drooling a good bit again. My parents got her a teething toy that vibrates when she bites on it, that seemed to sooth her somewhat last night. So, Jenn and I are thinking our little girl will have 7-8 teeth sometime soon!
That is so neat about the night time bottle. I feel sorry for her not feeling good with the teeth Cute picture!