This a picture from last night. I took this picture and a few others because Abbi was wearing some clothes that I bought for her, the first clothes I've personally bought for her!
It was a pretty awesome weekend with Abbi. Its been a week or two since I've been able to spend a good amount of time with Abbi since I've been busy with marching band, and Jenn has been busy with stuff as well keeping us apart some. This weekend because of the rain marching band things got canceled and I was able to attend a friends daughter's birthday party with Abbi and Jenn. At the party Abbi painted a pumpkin with her hand and foot prints, which is of course cute (pictures coming soon).
She starting to make more talking sounds, and of course she smiles more and more each day!
Isn't it nice that she smiles at you and makes more sounds? She is so adorable.