If she could talk in such a way to speak with intention, I think she was probably thinking "Oooooh" as she touched the pumpkin stem for the first time!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Posted by
1:24 PM
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Taken at the pumpkin patch. Jenn and I took turns holding Abbi as we wandered through the pumpkins looking for a good one. While I was holding her, I of course took the opportunity to life her into the air and see her smile. Or in this case, stick her tongue out at me.
Posted by
2:47 PM
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
You know those cardboard cutout things they have everywhere so you can stick your head in and take a picture. Well they had them at the farm, of course, so we put Abbi's head in there and took a few pictures. This is the result.
Posted by
12:49 PM
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Here's a picture of Jenn and Abbi taken the same time as the one yesterday, after her Tuesday bath.
Posted by
8:03 AM
Friday, October 23, 2009
Update on the eye appointment: everything went well! The doctor doesn't think that the birthmark around her eye is enough to be worried about. They checked the pressure around her right eye, and it was normal (apparently the birth mark can cause increased pressure leaded to decreased vision and other issues). Abbi did well with everything else the doctor tested her for, and she's good to go, developing just as she should!
As for this picture, which I choose because of her big beautiful eyes, is from Tuesday night after her bath. Jenn got our her duck bathrobe and put her in that. Such a cutie!
Posted by
11:00 AM
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Monday I mentioned that we attended a birthday party for the daughter of one of our friends, Sarah. Olivia turned 3 last week, so Saturday was her birthday celebration. Because of the rain, plans changed from a trip to a local pumpkin patch, to painting pumpkins at the family life center at our old church (PAG).
We weren't initially going to bother painting one since Abbi couldn't really do it, it didn't seem worth it. Then Sarah and Corie suggested we do her hand/foot prints on the pumpkin. Genius idea ladies! Here you can see Jenn putting Abbi's foot on the pumpkin!
In other Abbi related news, today we are taking Abbi to a pediatric ophthalmologist (that's a mouthful). Because of the brithmarks on Abbi's face, particularly the one on her forehead, the doctor suggested we have her eyes checked. And today's the day! What nuts to me is that Jenn scheduled this appointment about 2.5 months ago! I'll be sure to update here with results tomorrow.
Posted by
9:26 AM
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Technically this picture, and many others, were taken so that Sandy could see the outfit that she bought for Abbi. Jenn commented to me the other day when she was wearing it that I should take a picture so Sandy could see it. So...mom - make sure Sandy see this.
As for the picture itself, here's my awesome daughter just chillin' on the play mat and sticking her tongue out!
Posted by
11:28 AM
Monday, October 19, 2009
This a picture from last night. I took this picture and a few others because Abbi was wearing some clothes that I bought for her, the first clothes I've personally bought for her!
It was a pretty awesome weekend with Abbi. Its been a week or two since I've been able to spend a good amount of time with Abbi since I've been busy with marching band, and Jenn has been busy with stuff as well keeping us apart some. This weekend because of the rain marching band things got canceled and I was able to attend a friends daughter's birthday party with Abbi and Jenn. At the party Abbi painted a pumpkin with her hand and foot prints, which is of course cute (pictures coming soon).
She starting to make more talking sounds, and of course she smiles more and more each day!
Posted by
11:11 AM
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Posted by
1:00 PM
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Since yesterday was Abbi's 3 month birthday, we of course got her setup and took some pictures of her to commemorate the event. Jenn wanted to put her in something nice for the picture, so she put her in this dress that her mother made. Then we put her in the bumbo chair and she just starting having a good ol' time. As you can see here.
I thought this would be a good time to reflect again on the last month of Abbi's life and how shes continued to grow.
Just like the last two times reflected on Abbi, I went back and re-read what I previously wrote to know where to start. The older she gets the more she seems to want to smile. When I come home in the evening Abbi is always with Jenn either in her arms, or in the bouncer on the island watching Jenn cook. I find my two girls, give them kisses, and than smile at Abbi to see her smile back at me real big. It goes the same way in the mornings as well. Jenn gets everyone up and then once I'm ready and downstairs I find Abbi and she smiles at me, its a pretty awesome feeling!
As for work, and day care, things seem to have evened out some. She spends part of the week with Grandmom and the other part with Mrs. Debbi, our pastor's mother. Abbi seems to enjoy it, if nothing else, it seems the women that watch her enjoy watching her, which I suppose is more important at this age. Jenn had a really hard time getting back to work a few weeks ago, and she is still pretty sad each morning when Abbi and I leave, but it does appear to be getting better, and slightly easier for her. Lucky for us I have the ability to take Abbi, and Jenn gets the joy of picking her up.
In other Abbi developments, she's starting to sit up. The last week she's been siting up with assistance, last night no assistance was needed. She was laying on Jenn and decided she wanted to sit up. It was pretty awesome. Its so funny to see her sit up or stand up with help because you can see all the concentration going on in her little head to keep it all together.
She also becoming fond of sticking out her tongue. Its not really one of those mimic things, its just something she likes to do. And on the tongue thing, she drools like crazy. Its nuts. I can't imagine what its going to be like when she actually starts to get teeth in, but its pretty wet around her neck these days.
I guess to wrap up on Abbi's last month, its still pretty awesome. I enjoy taking her to day care each day, its a little bit of time when its just me and Abbi, and I enjoy driving with her. She keeps getting bigger and bigger, and learning new things, which is awesome. When we give her a bath she loves it. She just kicks and kicks and splashes the water around, again though you can tell she's really concentrating on what shes doing. Finally, something I'm sure all parents say, she just keeps getting cuter every day. Her hair is growing, but slowly and as such shes always got this crazy hair, and looks absolutely adorable.
Posted by
9:49 AM
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Abbi turns 3 months today. Its crazy. I can't believe that 3 months have already gone by. Tomorrow I should have a picture of Abbi celebrating 3 months and I'll post about the last month then. As for this picture, its from the other night we were playing in the kitchen and she seemed to be having a good time!
Posted by
11:34 AM
Monday, October 12, 2009
We've been working with Abbi on different things the past few weeks and one of them has been her sitting up. If we give her some support then she loved to pull herself up. As you can see she's both pulling herself up and smiling! Awesome combination!
Posted by
10:02 AM
Friday, October 9, 2009
Posted by
9:43 AM
Thursday, October 8, 2009
The title sounds so godfatheresque...this is our parents and Jenn's grandparents with us from Sunday. Everyone was all dressed so nice, there had to be pictures taken!
Posted by
5:06 PM
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
This past Sunday, a portion of the service was spent dedicating Abbi. In it, as parents we dedicate Abbi's like to the Lord and we promise to be good parents and stewards of her. We were lucky to have our friends and family in attendance for the event and then celebrate with us afterwards. I've posted a TON of pictures that can be seen here. We took all kinds of pictures of family and different arrangements, it almost felt like a wedding. I'll be sure to post some more as the week goes on.
Posted by
2:22 PM
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Abbi making her serious face. I wonder if she was getting a little tired of having her picture taken? Eh...she's to cute not to photograph!
Posted by
2:07 PM
Monday, October 5, 2009
Yesterday was Abbi's dedication and it went wonderfully. We had a lot of family and friends with us to enjoy the dedication, and then many of us were able to get together and have lunch afterwards. It was a good time. There were a bunch of pictures taken so hopefully I'll get those online soon to share. This was taken last week, and as you can see Abbi is just smiling away looking cute and happy!
Posted by
12:56 PM
Friday, October 2, 2009
On my original blog today I posted a family picture that we took at the beach. This is another one of the images taken then.
Posted by
12:22 PM