This past year has flown by. I can't believe our little guy is a year old today. People say "it seems like yesterday" when referring to past events. I feel that I can honestly say, it really does feel like only a month ago or so that Cole was born. I can't believe an entire year has gone by already.
Cole isn't going to the doctor until next week, so it'll be another week before we get updated yearly stats. But I don't really need him to go to the doctor to know that he's bigger and stronger than he was 3 months ago. Just last week Cole finally started to have a desire to stand up on his own. Over the past week, he's been working on standing more independently and working on pulling himself up even more. He's not walking anywhere on his own, but he is definitely starting to move in that direction.
Teeth, this boy has teeth. Its probably why he eats so furiously. He's got 4 front teeth on both the top and the bottom. And he's got 3 of his molars in, and its just a matter of time before the last one pops through. So Cole hits his first birthday sporting 11 teeth to help chew up all that cake!
Cole talks a lot, but not necessarily a lot of works. He's got dada down solid. But dada also seems to refer to A LOT of different things. He definitely looks at me and says it, but then he looks at a balloon and says it, so....his interpretation of dada still needs some work. Sometimes he'll say ba, and he hasn't really been saying pahhhh to much recently, probably because we've been trying to keep him away from the pots and pans.
Having a son is an incredibly blessing and has been a very eye opening experience. I thought having a daughter was going to a huge challenge, and I'd like to think that I've done reasonably well with Abbi. When Abbi was born she changed me. She made me much softer, much smoother around the edges. With Cole, things are different again. Because he is such a sweet little boy, and so different from Abbi I've had to rethink some of my parenting strategies (if there is a strategy). Cole has forced me to rethink how I do somethings, and how I interact with our kids. All for the better.
Cole is a blessing in our lives for so many reasons. There are so many families that hope for "one of each", and we are one of the lucky families that will get to experience the fun of raising both a boy and girl. Cole has the best big sister ever. Abbi loves him to death, and really and truly cares about him. She's like a second mother (which is ok for now). Cole brings a new dynamic to our lives, that can only come with the juggling of two children at once, and trying to live life that way. He's an amazing little guy, and I truly can't wait to see what kind of man he grows up to be. No matter what, I know Jenn and I will be proud of him.
Happy Birthday Cole. We love you!