One more month until the big day for her. Its crazy. I can't believe that my little girl is almost 3 years old. It definitely helps me understand better how my parents seemed to feel as I was growing up.
I think this picture pretty much sums up the previous month with Abbi. With it being warmer, she's turning back into that little summer baby and she loves being outside. I can't blame her at all. Often in the evening we'll go outside together and play, either running around, tag, other make believe things, or just playing the pool or sprinkler, she loves it all, and loves to be outside.
I mentioned last month the picky eating, and its just the same still. Some times she's sit down and devour her food, eat and love every bite of it, and then there are other nights where eats just about nothing, and thats just how its going to be sometimes I suppose.
She of course still loves Cole to death, but it is becoming apparent that there are times when she would like Jenn's attention in full, and since she can't get it she gets clearly irritated. But, good for me at least (after all this is from my perspective), she has been turning to me for more things over the past month which I do appreciate. After spending the bulk of the last 3 years second to Jenn (rightfully so), I'm finally get the opportunity to be there for Abbi.