Another month, another set of milestones for Abbi. In this last month of Abbi's life she had a huge milestone in that she became a big sister. Since those changes are occurring in the "next" month, I'll wait until next month to talk about those specifically.
This picture and many like come about because Abbi likes to go outside and run up and down the sidewalk. When she does this, she insists that I take her picture. I love it. She rarely sees the final pictures, she just seems to enjoy knowing that I'm taking her picture. And I of course sneak a few videos in there too.
Abbi finally got over the hump of 8. She would count to 10 or beyond and constantly skipped 8. So I started telling her that if she was going to skip 8 in counting, that it was ok to skip her eighth birthday. Not that she understood, but she now includes all numbers on her way from 1 to 10.
I feel like Abbi's vocabulary keeps increasing wonderfully each month. Every time I turn around I feel like she is saying something new that I haven't heard before. And she's constantly refining the words she does know. For example its no longer "tee", its more "tree" in an effort to say "three".
The one other notable thing I can think of about Abbi this past month has been her new desire for dress up. She's always enjoyed putting on her tutu, but now she likes to go all out. She'll wear her halloween dress to dress up as Belle, or she'll wear her tutu and rollers in her hair and Jenn's sock for her own "unique" look. Also - she discovered the joy of makeup as well. And Abbi being Abbi she puts as much on as she possibly can. Buts not just makeup, she's only played with eyeliner thus far. Really cute stuff. Theres a big part of me that wishes I could freeze her at this age and keep her like this forever. So since I can't, I'll just have to enjoy her like this while I can!