22 Months! Its been a long month with Abbi. The transition for her into the big girl bed has not been an easy one. She sleeps fine, but she doesn't sleep through the night anymore. I really couldn't say the last time she actually slept all the way through the night, and even if she does, she's usually up around 6 to join us in the bed. So its been rough, especially for Jenn who gets up with her because I never hear her cry.
We're also pretty confident Abbi is into her "terrible two's" because she acts pretty terrible sometimes. She decides without reason or warning to be super pissed and cry relentlessly until she's done. This obviously makes it hard to deal with her at times. Adding to that, she's also become somewhat of a picky eater, at least when she's with us.
With all this, she's still tons of fun and a wonderful little girl. I don't think a day has gone by in the last month that she hasn't played outside a little bit. She loves to play with Max, or us, or the neighbor kids, doesn't matter to her. She loves to be out playing, and doing stuff in general.
She's got all of her "2 year" molars in. She's saying more and more words, and putting more and more of them together all the time. We've been working on colors and numbers the last month, and Jenn's been working specifically on teaching her how to spell her name. She can say "A B", so we're half way there! I love my little girl to death, but I gotta say, 22 months in - she's certainly more work than either of us ever expected. But its ok, because she's worth it.