It happened quite a few weeks ago but its taken me forever to get the pictures online. A few weeks back we took Abbi to an Easter egg hunt hosted by one of our friends at PAG. We, especially Abbi had a great time, and Abbi was able to go around and look for eggs. She pretty much understood the point, go and look for eggs, put them in the basket. What she didn't know though was that they were filled with delicious candy. That enjoyment came after the hunt, but since she's still so young, she pretty much forgot about the candy after a little while and we were able to reuse the candy for the basket we put together for her!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Posted by
2:19 PM
Thursday, April 28, 2011
I cannot believe how quickly our little girl is growing up. She runs around like a little kid, no more toddler, no more baby, just kid. She wears her sunglasses because she understands their purpose. She wears her hair up because she wants to. She just amazes me. Each day she's saying more things and remembering even more. Jenn took this picture yesterday on their way home from day care. They are both ready for summer and the playing outside it will mean.
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1:59 PM
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Sunday Abbi spent a lot of time playing with one of her cousins outside. They really seemed to have a good time together too. In this picture you can see them showing off their Easter gift slinkies as they are busy playing in a bucket of water.
Posted by
10:59 AM
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Abbi loved to jump. On everything! Last week in Philadelphia, one of her favorite things to do was jump on the bed. In doing so, what she really likes to do is jump up a little bit and then throw her legs out and land on the bed. A few weeks back she was outside playing with the neighborhood kids and they had a playmat setup outside that she was able to do this on. So I was able to snap a picture of her mid "jump" as she would say.
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8:50 AM
Monday, April 25, 2011
Since yesterday was Easter we of course had a family pictured snapped of us. Grandmom was nice enough to get this picture of all of dressed nicely for Easter Sunday!
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10:35 AM
Friday, April 22, 2011
Last night Abbi decided she was ready to start talking in HUGE chunks. I mean huge. She sat with Jenn and I and talked to us for about 30 minutes straight. She was telling the story of how she kicked her feet in the water at the pool, and about how my co-worker Chad has stopped by and talked to me by the door and had pet Max. We are very proud of her!
Posted by
8:05 AM
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Abbi wore this dress two weeks ago to church, and Jenn made sure that a picture was taken of it. This dress was made by my mother in law, and was Jenn's when she was about Abbi's age, which is obviously why Jenn wanted me to get a picture of her in it.
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7:52 AM
Friday, April 15, 2011
Abbi is just keeps getting older and cuter. She's 21 months now and steamrolling her way towards 2 years. She's definitely developed herself a cute and very particular personality. With us she's very outspoken and very quick to tell us what she wants and how she wants things to go. With others, such as Grandmom, Debi or workers at the church nursery she's different. Especially at the nursery. There's she's a quiet little angel who likes to help out. To me its interesting to see how she adapts to different enviornments and how she's learning to fit in.
As she's creeping up on two years, her "two year" molars have been creeping up on her. Of the four, one is totally in and two more are about halfway or more in. The other one we haven't seen any sight of yet, but she's been doing well with the teething. Not like it was a year ago!
With the warm weather she wants to get outside or "side" as she says, and play at every opportunity. So we've spend considerable time outside on her little playset, the tree swing and the elementary school playground. She absolutely loves slides going down normal, on her back, face first and any other way she can think up.
Jenn and I comment to each other how "toddler" she is, and now she's transitioning into that "little kid" mode. I personally classify toddlers as not babies, and then little kids as not toddlers. She's out running and playing with the neighborhood kids in the afternoons and running around our house playing with us the rest of the time. She's at a great age, and we love her to death!
Posted by
8:42 AM
Friday, April 8, 2011
I'm sure I bribed Abbi with something, probably candy to get this smile out of her, but that doesn't make it any less adorable!
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3:51 PM
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Abbi loves to say the word doggie. When we were in D.C. at the FDR Memorial there is a statue of his dog, that Abbi absolutely loved. As you can see here she's smiling away while stepping on the tail. This was after she got on top and petting the dog for a while too. She rain around the open expanse of the FDR memorial for at least 10 minutes or so while I took pictures.
Posted by
3:27 PM