Here's a shot of Abbi and I at Patapsco State park. I took her down to the water so she could play in it a little bit, and Jenn took a few pictures for us. She actually looked at Jenn in this picture and gave a nice smile.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Posted by
3:33 PM
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Last weekened we went to Toys R Us to look for Abbi a new bike. My parents bought her one a long while back but she's pretty much to tall for it at this point. So we went a look'n for a new bike. We found one to get her and then ordered it online. Once it came it took far to long to put together, and Abbi was excited about it from the first second she saw it.
Now her feet don't quite reach the pedals yet, so she's using her feet to move the bike, but she loves it. As you can see!
Posted by
2:12 PM
Monday, March 28, 2011
Here's a picture of Abbi taken at Patapsco State park looking cute. Thats about it. I propped her up there and asked her to smile. She obliged me somewhat.
Posted by
4:57 PM
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Last weekend Jenn put Abbi's hair up in these awesome ponytails. Of course pictures were taken. She likes to have her hair put up, but at the same time loves to pull out whatever is in there. So its a losing battle most times. These made it about 2 hours before she ripped them out. In a side comment - her hair is crazy long!
Posted by
5:57 PM
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
As I mentioned Monday, we spent time Friday evening at Kinder Farm park, and Abbi had a great time. This is her coming down the giant yellow tube slide. I think she went back and forth about 8 times before we moved on!
Posted by
5:52 PM
Monday, March 21, 2011
One of the collest things about Abbi these days is her ability to mimic. When we were down by the water, I saw a plane in the sky and pointed it out to her, so she immediately put her finger out and pointed to the plane as well. We had a great family weekend spending time at a local park/playground as well as hiking through a trail at a nearby state park. All of which Abbi seemed to thouroughly enjoy!
Posted by
8:54 AM
Friday, March 18, 2011
Apparently Abbi has learned the wonder of putting her hands in her pockets. Which means we should probably start looking out for what else she might be putting in there. Jenn took a few pictures of her doing it last Friday at grandmoms so Saturday morning I asked Abbi to show me, and with a little help, as you can see she showed me what she learned!
Whats crazy to me is how grown up she looks in this picture. I'm definitely not quite ready for my little girl to start looking like such a big kid.
Posted by
11:07 AM
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Here's Abbi rocking some shades down by the water. She's finally old enough to understand the value of wearing sunglasses. Instead of squinting or covering her eyes, she can simply wear the sunglasses!
Posted by
3:05 PM
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Another milestone this weekend. 20 Months. We're another third of the way towards her second birthday! The biggest change that has happened in the last month happened this past weekend. We modified Abbi's bed so that she could get in and out of it on her own. And much like every other parent on Earth, we're struggling to get her to sleep in her bed. The last 3 nights have been pretty rough with her. She wakes up and wants to come in with us, so its definitely difficult.
I'm proud of Abbi for figuring out how to get out of the crib, I think it takes a certain ammount of determination to want to accomplish that goal, regardless of the personal danger it poses. So for that, I'm proud of her.
We recently went out and bought some new clothes for Abbi to get her through the next couple of months before spring/summer settle in. It was crazy to shop in a different section of the store. Given her height, we no longer shop in the baby section, we full on shop in the "toddler" section now, another crazy change for us.
Abbi is doing great. She's just about healed up from her most recent laser treatment, and otherwise healthy. I'll be glad for spring to settle in so we can stop with the constant runny nose she's had since December. I swear each day she learns another word, or we learn how to understand another new word of hers. Last night I picked her up from daycare and she kept saying what sounded like "ours", which to her meant "horse". It wasn't until she said it 20 times and pointed that I had any idea what she was saying. So while she's learning a lot, its definitely a struggle sometimes to actually understand her, which I'm sure frustrates her too.
Posted by
3:49 PM
Monday, March 14, 2011
Over the weekend I got this picture (and a few more like it) of Abbi reading the magazines available to her in the bathroom. Without any direction she went over to the stool we sit on during her baths and sat down. She then got out the magazines one at a time and looked through them all.
Posted by
3:50 PM
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Not much else to say about Abbi at the moment. She's doing well - battling through a cold, but otherwise, good as ever. She's healing well from her most recent laser treatment. Here's a yet another cute picture of her!
Posted by
2:32 PM
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
I don't really have a picture to go with today's information/topic, so this just a cute picture of Abbi. Recently I've been working with her on whispering. She's doing really well at it. Its of course super cute to watch too. We started with "no" because its easily her favorite word. So we work on saying it loudly and then super softly. She can even simply mouth the word and not make a sound. I'm definitely proud of her!
Posted by
5:20 PM
Monday, March 7, 2011
A couple of weeks ago my parents came up to watch Abbi while we worked in our house to get it ready to sell. I actually managed to get a decent picture of my mom and Abbi. Usually she's pissed off and screaming so she doesn't want her picture taken, but not this time. She was actually happy, and we got a good picture!
Posted by
5:26 PM
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Over the weekend, we were working upstairs cleaning and Abbi wanted to get in her crib. She proceeded to collect all of her things and sit in the side corner of the crib with her "Daba" and "itty". I think she wanted them to take a nap, although I'm not entirely sure.
Posted by
2:52 PM