Its been almost 2 weeks since Abbi turned 15 months old. It seems I'm getting farther and farther from the actual day of the month when I get around to writing these.
Another month older and another month smarter and more experienced. She's been working at cutting 4 more teeth this past month, and has 2 of them through the gums. She's been working on all 4 incisors at once, and now has the top 2 to use. She's only got the bottom 2 left and then her "2 year" molars. She's got a lot of teeth!
I mentioned last month that she was growing out of her size 4 shoes and into some 5's. Well, she's growing out of those too. We've been looking at getting her some size 6 shoes, that she'll definitely be in by the time she's 16 months.
She's starting explore more in the bathtub during bath time. When she was younger she just kinda sat there, and even once we pulled out the baby tub and went with the big tub for her, she just kinda sat there. Now she kinda runs around the bath tub having tons of fun, splashing and playing with toys.
Around the house she's everywhere. She's in everything, that hasn't changed. We finally got some child-prevention items to keep her out of some of the cabinets because she was making it to messy. She eats like a champ still. She loves fruit which is awesome. Instead of wanting all kinds of junk food she wants fruit like apples, grapes and assorted berries.
We've been working really hard with her on her speech the past month as well. She's still struggling to get much out that we can identify, but her talking has picked up considerably and she'll hopefully break through soon. She's got ma or mom, and da down. She knows doggie and we think "no way" as well. She has really good recognition of words, its just the repetition we're working on.
This is another picture of her looking cute as always that we had taken a week ago. The photographer suggested a stool which we knew she'd love, and as you can see, she did!