On my blog I just posted about the Maid of the Mist ride that we took at Niagara Falls. Here you can see Abbi and Julianna in their official "baby" sized ponchos!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Posted by
8:45 AM
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Lucky for me, my little girl likes to smile. Because of this it makes it very easy to photograph her. Second of course, it makes for some really cute pictures. Especially when she's got those mammoth front teeth poking out. I think Abbi looks incredibly cute here. A little background on the picture - Jenn was standing in the house getting Abbi attention while I took a few pictures. Jenn was making her laugh helping me get some good ones.
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8:40 AM
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Last night Abbi and I were playing some little game on my iPod that I downloaded for her. It was this little application that had a ton of flash cards and when you clicked on it, the card changed. Abbi seemed to like it and she was certainly upset when we said it was time to get ready for bed. It was really cool to see her so engaged in one of these devices at only 10 months old!
Posted by
8:43 AM
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Abbi seems to have figured out that her head can move from left to right. She keeps walking around the house (with assistance of furniture) moving her head back and forth. If you ask her a question, its very likely that she will shake her head no at you. In this picture you can see her having fun in a giant seat swing!
Posted by
8:42 AM
Monday, May 24, 2010
Its official. We're officially saying that Friday, May 21 is the date of Abbi's first steps. She walked about 5/6 steps in the kitchen Friday night on her way to Jenn. Over the weekend she had multiple instances of more walking. So I'm sure over the coming weeks its only going to get better and better. We're definitely proud of her!
Posted by
8:40 AM
Friday, May 21, 2010
Here's Abbi playing with a train station. Not much else to say.
She's doing good. Growing, crawling, and getting REALLY close to walking. She's been taking 1-3 steps, but then plopping down and giving up for a while. So we're definitely waiting for the major breakthrough to come. I'll be sure to keep everyone posted.
Posted by
8:49 AM
Thursday, May 20, 2010
This picture is from the other day when we were taking Abbi's 10 month pictures. Jenn was messing with her trying to get her to smile and as a result I got this and a few others shots of her all out laughing.
In the world of Abbi, she's almost at walking. Last night we took food to the Rainey's since they just had a baby and Corie said "Abbi just took a few steps", neither Jenn or I noticed! So...she's on the verge, we have just yet to see it happen. She's sleeping through the night mostly, and doing pretty good otherwise.
Posted by
8:39 AM
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Friday when we went to the park in New York there was a good bit of time spent riding slides by the girls. Here you can see Abbi and Julianna enjoying multiple rides down the slides!
Posted by
8:44 AM
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
My little girl is 10 months old now! I'm sure everyone gets tired of reading this, but I truly can't beleive how old she is and how big she's getting so quickly.
Reading back what I've shared in the past months not a ton has changed in the last month. She's still has 6 teeth, the teething for no. 7 has calmed down a bit actually. She's still crawling all over the place. However, she has mastered the art of going up the steps. Its cute to watch her too! And she's even faster and cruising around furniture on foot. She's yet to take that memorable first step, but we're both very confident that we'll see her do it soon!
One HUGE milestone though for this month, she is officially talking. She said "mama" last month and hasn't looked back since. I really do beleive that she understands who mama is. She will head over towards Jenn and crawl up her leg saying "mama" the entire time. Jenn of course eats this up, much like I will once she says "dada".
Even though she's not walking yet, Abbi's curiosity has certainly ballooned recently. She's into everything, much more so than before. She likes to watch water rush down a drain. She loves to empty out our cabinets (especially the one we keep her food in). She likes to play in the bathroom, and I think her favorite is emptying her diaper bag and Jenn's purse.
Regarding food, Abbi has continued to make good progress in her eating habbits. She only has 2 bottles a day now, one for breakfast and one for before bed snack. Otherwise she's on 3 human food meals a day and she regularly shared dinner with us, eating the same things that we eat.
With each month that passes, I definitely feel more connected to Abbi. She obviously gets easier to relate to and interact with as she learns and grows, but it really is rewarding to share in the life of someone so small and impressionable. I love the time I get to spend with her, and I deifnitely look forward to more Daddy-Daughter time as she continues to grow up.
Posted by
12:16 PM
Monday, May 17, 2010
At the park Friday there was a series of yellow tubes that Abbi and Julieanna were able to crawl around in. As you can see here, Abbi seemed to be having a good time inside!
Posted by
12:53 PM
Friday, May 14, 2010
We're back at the playground today. Only this one happens to be in Amherst, NY. This morning we went to the playground so the girls could have some fun on the slides, monkey bars and other fun playground things. Here's a picture of Abbi and me at the playground!
Posted by
1:31 PM
Thursday, May 13, 2010
In this picture you can see Abbi looking intently off in the distance at the animals. I think in this case she was watching some goats meander around eating the grass and such.
In other Abbi related news, she's 10 months old today!!! I can't believe it. Tonight she'll be going on her second plane ride before she's even a year old! We're headed up to Buffalo to visit friends of ours, the Gillmeisters, and I'm sure Julianna and Abbi will have a good time together.
Posted by
8:46 AM
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
How about another picture from the playground? Done! Here you can see Abbi and Jenn playing on some fake plastic animals that have seem to have found there way into the sand. Abbi enjoyed the little creatures and it was fun for us to see her too!
Posted by
8:50 AM
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Over the weekend we went to Kinder Farm park and Abbi had her first experiences with us on playground eqipment. It was tons of fun to see her reactions and share the experience with her. Here you can see her as she's coming down the slide, clearly enjoying herself!
Posted by
9:05 AM
Friday, May 7, 2010
Here's a picture of Abbi and Jenn sitting in one of Minnie's chairs in "Minnie's House" at the Magic Kingdom.
Posted by
8:53 AM
Thursday, May 6, 2010
The other day Abbi was "playing" on her own in the kitchen while I was doing dishes and she suddenly became very quiet. She had opened the doors, pulled out the drawer, pulled out the box of graham crackers, pulled out the package and finally pulled out a cracker and was sitting quietly enjoying her spoils. I took this picture a few minutes later after Jenn had come down to sit with her.
Posted by
8:36 AM
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Instead of waiting in line for 2 hours to see Mickey, we wandered the park trying to hit up the characters that are randomly placed throughout the park. One set of characters were waited for was Woody and Jessie from the Toy Story movies. They were "surprisingly" located in Frontier Town.
I held Abbi while she interacted with the two characters and Jenn took some shots. I love this picture that she took. I think it represents Abbi and her perspective on things perfectly!
Posted by
8:53 AM
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
One ride we made sure to get on while at Magic Kingdom was the carousel. Abbi seemed to like it well enough, although I'm pretty sure she didn't have much of a clue what was going on. She rode on the horse with me, and Jenn stood on the platform in front of the horse taking pictures.
Updating yesterday's sickness, Abbi seems to be doing well today, and seemed to do much better as yesterday progressed. We're really not sure what was up with her, but I think we're going to say it has to do with her teething. So hopefully she's working through her pain and working out another tooth!
Posted by
8:51 AM
Monday, May 3, 2010
At Magic Kingdom at Disney World (which by the way I have finally uploaded pictures from), in the kiddie land area there is a sword in a stone you can try and pull out. I propped Abbi up there to get a picture and Jenn to this picture. About 2 seconds later she was screaming because it was hot and I didn't realize that.
In other news, Jenn is taking her first mom sick day today. Abbi didn't take a bottle last night and was super cranky. This morning she wasn't interested in her bottle again and she was very warm. She wasn't running a fever that we could measure by thermometer, but she was warm. So Jenn stayed home today to take care of Abbi.
Posted by
8:50 AM