Another month has gone by and even more things have changed about my little girl. The other day Abbi turned 7 months old. Its amazing how quickly the months keep passing by. It really does seem like yesterday we took her pictures for 6 months, the time just seems to fly.
Just like every other month, so much has changed with Abbi in the last month. The big deal around the house now is that she is working her ways towards crawling. She can kinda sorta crawl backwards, its more an army crawl backwards, but it is movement! She's been getting up on her knees and rocking back and forth with good energy but she has yet to turn any of that into actual forward momentum yet. I figure we're days away from a big light going off in her head and then its all over from there. No more sit her on the floor to play. She'll be mobile!
She's had a rough month teeth wise also. She's been working on both of her front two teeth, and then out of no where, another tooth next to the top two has been working its way out. There have been days when she seems to be in considerable pain, luckily the orajel seems to help her out a good bit.
As you can see from the picture, she's not content to sit with anything near her anymore. The signs that I've been printing and placing near her are no longer safe. This is true everywhere. She loves to grab and touch everything. Its neat to see her explore, but at the same time its a bit nerve wracking to try and keep her out of and away from things.
Food wise she's doing great! Jenn has been making a lot of Abbi's food at home and Abbi loves to eat it! She's taken care of carrots, peas (which she wasn't to much a fan of), beans, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, and bananas. We also started breaking up and giving her puffs while we eat our dinner. I'm hoping that soon she'll be able to grasp them herself which I think will be really cool to watch her learn to do.
The last awesome thing I want to share, is that over the past month, and probably helped by the long break because of last weeks snow, there have been days where Abbi is my little girl. Most of the time she wants Jenn. But there have been times this past month where its me she wants. She wants me to hold her or play with her, and its an awesome feeling. Of course when she's pissed, it all comes back to mom for her. I suppose that's just how its going to be for a while.