My parents got this toy among others for Abbi for Christmas. This happened to be the one that Jenn opened up for her first. She seems to enjoy it. I of course like it because of its musical and drum influences. Hopefully one day Abbi will grow up and want to learn to play drums like me, or at least be involved in music like her parents!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Posted by
12:34 PM
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
I would say that Abbi had a good Christmas. She got a lot of wonderful presents from all of her family, and she got to spend a ton of time with Jenn and I! Jenn took this picture last week at some point when I was showing Abbi the tree up close. Since she loves to touch things, she did well with the tree. Next year should be interesting when she's hopefully walking around and we're trying to keep her away from the tree and total destruction.
Posted by
12:44 PM
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Here's Abbi again hanging out with Santa. There were a bunch of pictures taken when we visited and I realized I only posted one on here. With Christmas only two days away, I figured it would be a good time to share another!
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5:23 PM
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Here's a picture of Abbi hanging out on the couch. Working on those muscles that help her sit up without assistance. She's been doing pretty good recently with eating food. We're working our way up to 3 tablespoons at breakfast and dinner. She's up to 2.5 so we're almost there. Once we get her good on the rice cereal we're gonna move on to the good stuff like peas and carrots and other veggies.
Posted by
5:08 PM
Monday, December 21, 2009
I've posted a few pictures of Abbi with us over the weekend on my other blog, but i figured this would be a good place to post some of just Abbi. She didn't mind the snow, I think she's a bit young to get to excited about it. None the less, it was still cute to see her i her snow outfit and to help her make snow angels!
Posted by
12:43 PM
Friday, December 18, 2009
Last month as Abbi was developing her obbsession with putting things in her mouth, we had her sitting on the table while we were in the kitchen and she was playing with some paper. Since she was playing with paper, I figured it was a good opportunity to make her a little paper hat and put it on her. She didn't seem to mind!
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3:33 PM
Thursday, December 17, 2009
With Abbi getting older she's not as interested in sleeping on Jenn these days. This picture is from when Abbi was just 5 weeks old! She used to sleep on Jenn or I all the time!
However, these past few days, Abbi has had a cold so she's been a bit more inclined to snuggle up to a giving parent. I hope she gets better soon, but I know Jenn sure does love all the extra snuggle time she's getting with Abbi!
Posted by
3:11 PM
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The week before Thanksgiving some of Jenn's coworkers came over and enjoyed the Ravens game with us and they brought their kids. Evan and Kaitlyn seemed to have a good time interacting with one another, and as you can see here, we put Abbi down with them for a little bit in her bumbo. However, when Evan would laugh it scarred Abbi, so the sitting together didn't really last all that long.
Posted by
3:16 PM
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
When we got back on Sunday from our cruise Jenn's mom and grandmother were waiting at the airport for us with Abbi and Jenn couldn't have been happier to see Abbi. She grabbed her right up and hugged her and kissed her and immediately began making up for lost time. I took this picture of the two of them after we finished taking Abbi's 5 month picture.
Posted by
2:59 PM
Monday, December 14, 2009
Personally, I can't believe Abbi has been around this long, it certainly doesn't seem like its been this long, but yesterday, Abbi turned 5 months old. So that means another reflection about her.
A TON of things have changed about Abbi in the last month. The biggest most obvious change is that she now has a tooth! It sticks up pretty good out of the bottom of her gums and looks cute too.
She is still just as wiggly as she has ever been but now when she wiggles it seems to be with a purpose. We still haven't seen her roll over, but Mrs. Debbi says she does it pretty consistently. This past week she learned how to grasp her feet and so now when you change her diaper she's grabbing at her feet trying to hold on real tight. Very cute!
Another huge milestone this past month - we started feeding her rice cereal, the first steps to solid food. We're still working on 1 tablespoon at a time, but she does seem to be making progress at it. Once she's got a good hold on the whole spoon to mouth concept we can move on with tastier foods!
She's of course gotten bigger, which is cool too. Her hair keeps getting longer, and I noticed last night that her head is really getting pretty solid. It seems like each month that goes by she makes these huge leaps and bounds in progress and it just seems unbelievable.
She's talking more than ever now, and of course loves to put things her in mouth. She's able to reach out and take something from you to put it in her mouth which is really cute. And to wrap that all up, she's got an awesome little laugh. When you actually get her to laugh out loud, and not her cough laugh, its really cute.
It's amazing watching a little person grow up and learn new things. Last night she sat with me and cheered the Redskins on to victory. She sat on the couch, assisted only by the side boundaries of couch and father for a good 20 minutes. Playing by herself and watching the game. It was awesome!
Posted by
12:25 PM
Friday, December 4, 2009
Abbi was "kissing" Jenn during this picture. She had taken a breather and was investigating Jenn's face and testing its stretchability!
Posted by
3:17 PM
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Big News: Abbi is getting her first tooth! Jenn discovered the tooth two nights ago. It starting to pop out and you can definitely see and feel it! She's been cranky as all get out for about a week now, so thankfully it appears to have been for some good reason. We've been doing good with the rice cereal too. Abbi ate a full tablespoon of food last night so tonight we're planning to up her to 1 1/2 and work our way up to 3 at both breakfast and dinner. Never a dull moment with Abbi!
Posted by
3:42 PM
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
This picture is from Sunday. Abbi actually took a reasonably long nap that evening. About 1 hour or so...
Posted by
4:26 PM
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Sunday Jenn dressed Abbi in one of many Christmas dresses. We are thankful to have a few dresses that my parents have bought for her, and then a few more that Tina let us borrow that Julianna wore last year. This is one of the dresses from Tina.
Posted by
12:13 PM