So today Abbi is four months old! Every month she gets older, I still can't believe it. Like I've done the past few months, today I wanted to reflect on Abbi and how's she doing.
I suppose I should start with the newest development, and that is the result of Abbi's first laser treatment yesterday. Things went very well for Abbi, and Jenn and I were able to deal with it. Jenn definitely had some anxiety over putting Abbi in pain when she didn't consent to it, but as her parents we felt it was the right decision.
The whole process only took about 30 seconds. The doctor used a little laser pen to treat the birthmarks on Abbi's face. So that we would know the level of pain involved, the doctor also lasered our forearms. I would equate the pain to that of a needle or pin prick. It was uncomfortable, but wasn't to bad. And, it only hurt for the split second while it happened.
So Abbi has a little bit of bruising from the laser yesterday and it will take her about 7-10 to heal back up. We've scheduled our next appointment for February. The doctor said we should expect to go 8-15 times in order to significantly reduce the visibility.
In other Abbi developments, she is strong! That little girl has got some crazy strong legs. I like to help her get up on her legs and then help her stand, and she loves it. The other night she stood barely assisted for like 30 seconds or more, it was incredible. Just like last month, she loves to sit up and isn't to much a fan of laying down these days. She's also go incredible control over her neck!
As for Jenn and I, I think the pains of a new baby in the house are taking their toll. I don't think either of us ever get enough sleep, and Jenn is pretty much non-stop busy with school work that needs to be graded and otherwise taken care of. There just doesn't seem to be much time these days.
Luckily, the time we do have is made better and more enjoyable by Abbi and her smiles. She smiles pretty much all the time now. Yesterday we were in Target and Jenn was goofing off with Abbi, walking weird and singing to her in the car seat and Abbi loved it. She laughed and laughed over and over. She doesn't laugh a whole lot, its almost as if she hasn't quite figured out exactly how to do it.
The final awesome thing Abbi is doing these days - she is starting to get some great control with her hands. If you put something in front of her she will reach out to you/it and grasp it. She got a strong grip too! She still loves bathtime, changing time, diaper changing and all that. Something she's not to fond of though, a new development, is being left alone. We used to be able to walk away from her while she was in the bouncer or bumbo or whatever and she'd be fine, not anymore. These days she wants more and more attention. So Jenn and I are working hard to try and give that to her and make sure she feels all the love we have for her!
This picture by the way, was taken last week before all the leaves got soaked. I wanted to get a "fall" picture of Abbi and I love how this turned out. Her sticking her tounge out pretty much epitomizes her personality these days.